3 Easy Ways to Remove Empty Columns in R [Examples]

As a result of importing data or combining rows, you might have a data frame with empty columns. In general, you don’t need these columns. So, in this article, we discuss how to identify and remove empty columns from a data frame in R?

Before we continue and discuss 3 easy ways to recognize and delete empty columns, we need to define what an empty column is. In this article, an empty column is a column where all values are either NA’s or “”. However, you can easily modify all examples if your definition of an empty column is different.

In our example, we use the data frame below. It has 4 columns of which 2 follow our definition of an empty column, namely X2 and X4.

An R data frame with empty columns.

The goal is to write R code that removes the empty columns without explicitly specifying their names. This makes the code flexible and reusable.

You can create this data frame with the following code.

my_df <- data.frame(X1 = c(1:10),
                    X2 = rep(NA, 10),
                    X3 = letters[seq( from = 1, to = 10 )],
                    X4 = rep("",10))

How to Remove Empty Columns in R with ColSums

The first method to delete all empty columns from a data frame uses only basic R code.

These are the steps to remove empty columns:

1. Identify the empty columns

You can identify the empty columns by comparing the number of rows with empty values with the total number of rows. If both are equal, that the column is empty.

You can use the colSums() function to count the empty values in a column. With the code below we count the rows with NA’s or “” from our example data frame.

> colSums(is.na(my_df) | my_df == "")
X1 X2 X3 X4 
 0 10  0 10 

Next, we use the nrow() function to compare the outcome with the total number of rows, and create a boolean variable that indicates if a column is empty (True) or not (False)

> empty_columns <- colSums(is.na(my_df) | my_df == "") == nrow(my_df)
> empty_columns
   X1    X2    X3    X4 

2. Remove empty columns

Now that we have identified the empty columns, we can easily delete them with the following code.

my_df[, !empty_columns]

The R code below shows all the steps in two simple lines of reusable code.

empty_columns <- colSums(is.na(my_df) | my_df == "") == nrow(my_df)
my_df[, !empty_columns]
Delete empty columns from a data frame in R with the colSums function.

How to Remove Empty Columns in R with sapply

The second method to remove empty columns from an R data frame uses the sapply() function.

The sapply() function takes a data frame as input and applies a specific operation to all columns. In this case, the operation checks if all values of a column are missing.

You can check if a column is empty with the all() function. If all the values of a column are NA’s or missing, then the all() function returns TRUE.

Once you have identified all empty columns you can easily remove them. Note that, you need the !-operator to keep the columns that are not empty.

empty_columns <- sapply(my_df, function(x) all(is.na(x) | x == ""))
my_df[, !empty_columns]
Remove empty columns from a data frame in R with the sapply function.

How to Remove Empty Columns in R with discard

The third method to delete all empty columns from a table in R uses the discard() function.

The discard() function is part of the tidyverse package and removes all columns from a data frame that don’t comply with a specific condition. For example, complete emptiness.

To remove all empty columns from an R data frame with the discard() function, you only need to identify the empty columns. You can recognize them with the all() function. Once you have identified them, the discard() function removes them automatically.

The R code below demonstrates how to apply the discard() function to remove empty columns. The first line of code loads the tidyverse package.

if (!require("tidyverse")) install.packages("tidyverse")
my_df %>% discard(~all(is.na(.) | . ==""))
Remove empty columns with the discard function.

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